F@*k art!
“The elitist philosophy of fine art should not be used anymore because the ideas of postmodernism or conceptualism are so similar to today’s internet culture.” -from the internet.
Color, composition, form, contrast, are the raw elements to create a message that needs to be sent directly to an emphatic brain and be perceived as a familiar feeling, regardless of reason. This is only possible by manipulating the perception and guessing what can create a specific feeling, ‘cause some of you empathize by color, others by different shapes, or contrasts, and majority to the specific message that the artist injects it “in your face”. Therefore, an artist, a visual artist, a painter, is just a big liar that lies by creating the impression of a feeling.
I use all of those raw elements, play them in this way that I was trained, and I try to fool your perception making you to feel what I want, a specific theme or object, or feeling, to make you to revise your love life, or to contemplate death, to feel poor or to be in an unending orgasm. And all of this by smudging some paint on canvas.
This is all about art. Nothing more.
I am a forger of feelings.

Who am I?
Not that it would matter to this Universe…
1977’s earthquake announced my birth to the world with three weeks in advance.
I presented my first artworks to the world when I started to be able to hold a pencil and, luckily, my father provided the walls that kept for a time my sketches. Eager to pursue and educate my interest in art, I followed the traditional way by going to school and art highschool. And later to the art university. So, I have a diploma of master degree on fine arts.
As an employee I create art for computer and mobile games.
I find painting a good way to expel my deep feelings, especially in the middle of the crowd, instantly inspired by the energy of a concert. That is a very good therapy after a long work day at the office.
I paint while I’m singing and I sing while I’m painting, in my own studio, or on a stage, always inspired by music, live concerts and the mood of the audience.
Newest Paintings
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You can contact me regarding anything about my art, including price inquires, events and commissions.

Tablou comanda – acrilic pe panza neagra – formatie rock – DIMMU BORGIR
Pictura pe panze negre realizata la comanda reprezentand universul formatiei rock DIMMU BORGIR.Tabloul este format din 5 panze de dimensiunile 100x100cm, 50x70cm si 30x50cm, pictat cu culori acrilice.Lucrarea este inspirata din versurile si imagistica formatiei DIMMU...

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Tablou de vanzare – acrilic fluorescent pe panza neagra – ZEU
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Paint per Song and Paint ‘n’ Rock are my projects that helped me to express my emotions during a rock concert, illustrating live songs, or the mood of the concert, or creating a new visual of the audible. My art is always live improvised, guiding myself by the feelings of the moment.
For Paint per Song, I have tried to create paintings that will remind that moment in the concert. The closest similarity of this is a postcard.
The Paint ‘n’ Rock project has deeper connectivity with the concert, being a visual plus on the stage, having a more directed choreography of the act of painting on a live stream screen.