Iulian Agapie

Iulian Agapie


Jun 7, 2021 | Events Paint 'n' Rock | 0 comments

Beer, metal and live paintings on an evening without concerts, just good music and lots of friends.
Paint ‘n’ Rock was invited to bring color to the event. For the first public event after a long time, this was a great opportunity to exercise and get creative for the upcoming concerts. Most of the canvases have been painted on requests.

Stage and set up for the event


Iulian Agapie

Paint per Song and Paint ‘n’ Rock are my projects that helped me to express my emotions during a rock concert, illustrating live songs, or the mood of the concert, or creating a new visual of the audible. My art is always live improvised, guiding myself by the feelings of the moment.
For Paint per Song, I have tried to create paintings that will remind that moment in the concert. The closest similarity of this is a postcard.
The Paint ‘n’ Rock project has deeper connectivity with the concert, being a visual plus on the stage, having a more directed choreography of the act of painting on a live stream screen.

You can contact me regarding anything about my art, including price inquires, events and commissions.


8 + 15 =

Paint n Rock Logo
Paint per Song Logo