Pictura fluorescenta pe panza realizata LIVE in timpul interviului la Rock Star Radio, cu Adrian Tanase.
Tabloul este de dimensiunea de 100x100cm. La lumina UV isi schimba aspectul.
Titlul ZEU a fost inspirat de natura schimbatoare a dumnezeului biblic.
Culori: orange si verde crud cu aspect fosforescent, fluorescent.
Paint per Song and Paint ‘n’ Rock are my projects that helped me to express my emotions during a rock concert, illustrating live songs, or the mood of the concert, or creating a new visual of the audible. My art is always live improvised, guiding myself by the feelings of the moment.
For Paint per Song, I have tried to create paintings that will remind that moment in the concert. The closest similarity of this is a postcard.
The Paint ‘n’ Rock project has deeper connectivity with the concert, being a visual plus on the stage, having a more directed choreography of the act of painting on a live stream screen.